Do you have vacancies OR do you need help to support your staff who have been retrenched as a result of the coronavirus outbreak?
If you have vacancies: We have job ready job seekers – keen to start tomorrow. If your business is experiencing a surge in demand because of COVID-19 we can provide you with the talent you need to fill your vacancy in a hurry. Jobfind’s experienced employment consultants can match your vacancy with the most suitable job seekers.
Our services are 100% free – no catches.
Ask us about the wage subsidies we can access for you – these subsidies are a financial incentive to encourage you to hire eligible participants in ongoing jobs by contributing to the initial costs.
Do you need help to find alternative work for your staff who have been made redundant?
We’ve extensive experience in helping businesses that have been forced to downsize as the result of economic and natural crises.
We’ll work with your staff through the whole process – from accessing Services Australia (Centrelink) to providing training, preparing resumes and finding them a job.
Our Healthfind team – consisting of psychiatrists, social workers and lifestyle counsellors – offers additional support to our job seekers experiencing mental health, anxiety and depression. These services are free and unlimited.
The good news is we have plenty of jobs to fill that would be suitable to your employees – from entry level to degree qualified.
Contact us today to see how we can help or fill in the contact form below.