Looking for work

Looking for work? Image of a smiling barista at a cafe

Looking for a job? We’re here to help

We know finding a job can be hard. We support job seekers across Australia to return to work, switch careers and find jobs they love.

We have more than 20 years’ experience in getting unemployed Australians into work, through services that genuinely help people to achieve their employment goals.

Every month we place over 700 job seekers into roles through our Workforce Australia programs. We also have support programs available to First Nations job seekers.

If you’re looking for genuine care and support from an employment consultant – Jobfind is here to help

More than just a job

We want to learn more about you – understand who you are and what you want. We work with you, your support network and our database of employers to find a job that benefits you and your family.

We’re here to help, especially if you have:

an injury, illness or disability that affects your ability to find or maintain work
been out of the workforce for a while due to parenting commitments or other personal circumstance
recently lost a long-term job
found it hard to find a job as a mature-aged worker
recently completed high school and are looking for support to enter the workforce
experienced difficulties getting the job you want as a First Nations person.

Whatever your story, we know getting work isn’t easy. We look forward to welcoming you into the Jobfind family and supporting you on your job-finding journey in ways that matter to you.

Find out more about getting work with our help.

Jobfind jobactive - vector image of a head and a magnifying glass

Workforce Australia

Our Workforce Australia program assists you with finding employment.

Young people

Help and support for people under 25.

Jobfind mature people - vector image of a mature face

Mature people

Help and support for people over 45.

Jobfind accessibility tools - vector image of person in a circle

Disability employment

Realise your individual employment goals and ambitions.

Training and development

Training programs, workshops and skills development.

Jobfind people - vector image of three heads and shoulders

First Nations peoples

Support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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