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Frequently asked questions

Got a question? We're here to help.

FAQ for job seekers

I can't make my appointment – what do I do?

From time to time, you may have a genuine need to change your appointment with us at Jobfind. If you can’t make an appointment, please call us ahead of time and let us know why. This means we can use that time to help someone else looking for a job.

How do I find out when my next appointment with Jobfind is?

We will advise you of your next appointment. You can also easily find your next appointment by logging into your myGov account and clicking through to the relevant employment-linked services like DES or Workforce Austraila. If this is difficult for you, please phone us on 1800 113 233 and we will let you know.

What does Jobfind do?

Jobfind is an employment services provider. We are job finders and it is our job to help job seekers find suitable employment.

We offer a range of services that genuinely support and assist people to achieve their employment goals, at no cost to them. Most commonly, we work with people who receive an income support payment from Centrelink, like Jobseeker, Parenting Payment, Youth Allowance or Disability Support.

We place more than 700 job seekers every month into roles through our Workforce Australia, Disability Employment Services, ParentsNext and NDIS programs. We also have additional support programs available to First Nations job seekers.

We are here to help.

Where are you located?

We have more than 35 offices across Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. 

What is the Workforce Australia program – am I eligible?

Workforce Australia is the Australian Government’s service to prepare job seekers to find, secure and sustain a job, and connect jobseekers and employers.

Workforce Australia services are usually available to you if you get an income support payment that has mutual obligation requirements, such as Jobseeker, Youth Allowance or Parenting Payment. Mutual obligations are things you need to do in return for your payment, like look for work.

We are one of the employment services providers that deliver Workforce Australia services for the government.

Centrelink may refer you directly to us. You can also ask Centrelink to allocate Jobfind as your employment services provider, or transfer to us from another provider.

Jobfind will then work out the level of support you need and the services we can provide to help you get into a job as soon as possible.

What is ‘mutual obligation’?

Mutual obligation requirements are the things you need to do in return for your income support payments. They are designed to make sure unemployed people receiving payments are actively looking for work and participating in activities that will help them into employment.

As a job seeker, you generally need to engage with an employment services provider like Jobfind before receiving income support. With their help, you will then enter into a Job Plan, which will outline all your mutual obligation requirements. These will usually include looking for and accepting suitable work, attending appointments with your employment services provider, attending all job interviews and undertaking other suitable activities.

If you don’t meet your mutual obligation requirements you may have your payment suspended, reduced or cancelled under what’s called the ‘targeted compliance framework’.

How do I report my activity?

You can report your activity and appointments online, via phone or in person. Check out the Workforce Australia website for information on how to do this online.

How do I report my job search effort?

You can add a job to your job search effort by uploading evidence, if you apply for it in any of the following ways:

by email
over the phone
in person
through a website

What if I need extra support to find a job – how can you help me?

We offer a range of specialised support services. Your first stop is your skilled employment consultant, who will be able to help you tailor your job search effort.

We also have a team of dedicated recruitment consultants, who get out into the community to source vacancies for you to be referred to. And our Healthfind team is available to support you in times of crisis with professional counselling and support services at no cost. We have an Indigenous team focused on supporting our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants, as well as partner training organisations such as the Angus Knight Institute to help equip you for work through training and development.

I’ve found a job – what now?

Fantastic! Give us a call and let us know as soon as you can. Your employment consultant will be able to talk to you through the next steps. We may be able to help with practical things such as new work attire or equipment to ensure you are ready to go for your new employment.

I am Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander – what additional support is available to me?

We’re committed to helping to build a better future for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander job seekers. Our Indigenous Mentors are dedicated to community engagement, skills development programs and partnerships with employers who embrace diversity in their business.

English is my second language. I need help translating information. Can you help me?

Yes. Some, but not all, of our offices have bilingual staff or staff who speak languages other than English. If nobody is available who speaks your language, we will be able to organise an interpreter for you.

I have a disability. I need help during my appointment. How will you help me?

Please visit our other provider uLaunch who can assist with any DES or NDIS enquiries. Visit the uLauch website here

I have young children and do not have anyone to care for them during my appointment. Are they able to come with me?

Yes. We do our best to take your caring arrangements into account when setting appointment times. But we understand it can sometimes be hard to find a suitable time when your children are being looked after. In that case, we would welcome you and your family to our office.

I am currently with another Workforce Australia provider. How do I transfer to Jobfind?

You can transfer between providers for a range of reasons. There are a few ways to do it:

You can request a transfer to Jobfind yourself using the form available on the Workforce Australia website.
You can ask Jobfind to arrange it on your behalf.
You can change your provider at any time by calling the National Customer Service Line on 1800 805 260.

What if there is a COVID-19 lockdown?

Mutual obligations still apply during lockdown; however, appointments are conducted over the phone or via Zoom instead of face-to-face.

In a longer lockdown, the State or Federal Government may pause mutual obligation requirements in some areas.

It is important to stay informed as requirements can change depending on the situation.

If you experience a lockdown while you are registered with Jobfind, you can contact your employment consultant for detailed information.

FAQ for disability employment

What is the Disability Employment Services (DES) program - am I eligible?

Disability Employment Services (DES) is an Australian Government Initiative that helps people with a disability, injury or health condition (including anxiety and depression) find and keep a job.

We can help you work out your eligibility, but generally, you can access DES support if you:

have a disability, injury or health condition
are an Australian resident or eligible visa holder
are at least 14 years old, and at or above the minimum legal working age in your state or territory
have not yet reached the Age Pension qualifying age
are not studying full time (unless exempted by Centrelink as, for example, an Eligible School Leaver, Special Class Client or Work Assist participant)
have a valid employment services assessment (ESAt) or job capacity assessment (JCA) recommending DES with a Future Work Capacity of eight or more hours per week
are not working at or above your assessed work capacity (not applicable for Work Assist participants and people who receive NDIS funding for supported employment, and/or Australian Disability Enterprise participants).

How can job seekers access Jobfind’s DES program?

Job seekers can access Jobfind’s DES program by:

directly registering with us at Jobfind, or
referral from the Department of Human Services (DHS) – this generally applies to people receiving Centrelink payments who have mutual obligation or compulsory participation requirements.
transferring to Jobfind from another provider.

I am currently with another DES provider. How do I transfer to uLaunch?

You can choose almost any provider, even if the provider is not in your immediate area (as long as you can make the initial appointment face-to-face).

You can choose a provider close to your residence, or perhaps closer to your regular commute.

Contact uLaunch today.

If you are unhappy with the services you are receiving, you can change your provider at any time by calling the National Customer Service Line on 1800 805 260. You can change your provider five times, no questions asked, during your time in the program. After these transfers, you can still request a transfer but that request will be subject to an assessment.

FAQ for employers

How can you help me find qualified, reliable employees?

We start by getting to know you, your business and your recruitment needs.

We then provide job-ready candidates who are the right match and keen to work. We use our specialised assessment tools to ensure they are the right fit for your business, and we work with them to ensure they have the correct skills, qualifications and attitude before presenting them to you.

We make sure you get access to any available federal and state government funding to support hiring and training eligible candidates.

And we continue to support you and your new team member for at least six months

We can also offer:

human resource planning
assistance with increasing diversity, employee retention and reducing absenteeism
access to training opportunities

How much does your service cost?

Our service is cost-free to both employers and job seekers. We are a government-funded service, and compete for this right by delivering excellent services.

In fact, we can help you access federal and state government funding to support your training and recruitment needs.

How can I access government subsidies?

We can help you access a wide range of government wage and training subsidies.

I want to improve the diversity in my workforce – how can you help?

Great idea! A more diverse workforce will empower your business in many ways.

We can help you with , supports and funding to help you employ:

culturally and linguistically diverse staff
mature-age staff
young people
people with disability.

We also have a particular focus on supporting First Nations Australians in the workforce, and can help you with:

an Indigenous recruitment strategy
cultural competency training via our Supply Nation-certified sister company, Real Futures
support for developing a reconciliation action plan.

What industries do you work with?

We help employers in all sectors and of all sizes. Our job seekers have a diverse range of talents, abilities and goals.

Where are your offices?

Jobfind runs Workforce Australia offices Australia-Wide. Our current office locations can be found on our Locations page. Our disability services have transitioned to our sister company, uLaunch.

Where can I get help with industrial relations issues?

The FairWork Australia website is a good place to start.

What is different about Jobfind?

Our team of Jobfinders are leaders in employment, training, recruitment and post-employment services. We are passionate about empowering the lives of our participants, and we have placed and supported more than half a million Australians into work.

Our key area of focus is to provide solutions to disadvantaged Australians including First Nations peoples, the long-term unemployed, young people, mature-aged and people with a disability.

We’re proud of our 5-star government rankings, and the high level of satisfaction among our job seekers. 81% say they are satisfied with their experience of finding a job with Jobfind, compared with the industry average of 45%.*

Our partnership model makes us different. We are one of the few companies to actively seek national and local partnerships, across corporate organisations, government departments and local community organisations.

We see the employers we work with as partners as well.

Unlike other organisations, Jobfind has a nationwide network of Regional Employment and Partnership Coordinators, whose job it is to understand and respond to the needs of their local area.

At the same time, as a member of the Angus Knight Group, Jobfind has access to a range of sister companies in the group’s portfolio. This means we can back up our local knowledge with the resources of a national service provider, able to deliver grass roots services at the scale of a large business.

As a result, we have grown into one of the most progressive service providers in the welfare-to-work sector in Australia.

*Jobfind Satisfaction Survey, McCrindle, March 2021

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