Parents and carers
Our ParentsNext program supports parents and carers to prepare for work
We understand that giving your child the best start in life is a priority.
Jobfind’s ParentsNext program can give you the confidence and skills to re-enter the workforce and reach your own milestones – when the time is right for you and your family.
What might ParentsNext look like for you?
ParentsNext is available to parents who receive the Parenting Payment. It is designed to help prepare you for work by the time your youngest child starts school.
You can still participate in ParentsNext if your youngest is not yet ready for school, and there is no requirement to return to work as soon as you are enrolled in the program. Our team can support you to engage in training, develop skills and participate in community activities until you are ready to return to the workforce.
At Jobfind, we want to understand what ‘work’ means to you. We do this by listening and learning about your background, circumstances and goals for the future.
For you, ParentsNext might mean:
How Jobfind can help
Our ParentsNext team have experience working with families from many different backgrounds, including providing additional support to migrant families, or families where children need additional support for disability or illness. We also provide confidential support to families in crisis.
Our ParentsNext team:
Getting Started
When you join Jobfind we will connect you with a dedicated ParentsNext consultant who will work directly with you during your time in the program.
Got more questions?
We’re here to help. Our frequently asked questions might have the answer you are looking for.