
Find the right people for your team

We'll help you find the right people with our experienced and simple no cost employment service.

Jobfind understands that your staff are your greatest asset. We can support you throughout the process of building your team.

We have specialist teams on the ground to identify and address local needs, and we can help you fill a vacancy quickly, from our database of job-ready candidates.

All our job seekers are carefully screened to make sure they are the right fit for you. We work with them one-on-one to ensure they have what you need before presenting them to you. We’ll make sure you access any government wage subsidies and incentives. And we’ll continue to provide post-placement support.

You’ll also have access to a range of services to help you make the most of your people. At no cost to you, we can provide human resources planning, including opportunities to benefit from building a more diverse workforce, as well as access to training, and online health and wellbeing services.

Build your team

How we can help

We connect employers with great staff across Australia.

Incentives for employers

Find out about the benefits of working with Jobfind.

Employment sectors

From chefs to construction works, we have you covered.

Local knowledge and support

Access our specialist and localised services.

Staff wellbeing

Find out how we support your workers with Healthfind.

Employer success stories

Hear what other employers are saying about Jobfind.


Fact sheets and other downloadable resources.

Get in touch

Talk with one of our Regional Employment and Partnership Coordinator.

Jobfind FAQ - image of people sitting on a bench against a wall and two are smiling at each other


Have more questions? Read our frequently asked questions.

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