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Skills for industry

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Boost your employability with improved workplace skills and confidence

Jobfind’s Employability Skills Training (EST) prepares you for the reality of the job market – with an enhanced resume, job search, core skills employers want, and industry insights.

We offer two different short courses of targeted training:

Boost Your Job Search and Workplace Skills (Online):
75 hours of advanced job search skills, core skills for work, and industry awareness.

Boost Industry-Specific Knowledge and Skills: (Online and/or face-to-face):
75 hours of industry-focussed training including industry career prospects, skill sets and work trials. Focus on one career or get a taste of a few different industries.

Employability Skills Training

How can Employability Skills Training help?

Enhance your work readiness with group pre-employment training that is tailored to individual participants. Interact in work-like experiences and industry scenarios for real-world preparation.

You can choose to complete one or both Employability Skills Training courses if both are offered in your local area.

Boost Your Job Search and Workplace Skills:

learn and practise the 10 Core Skills for Work including teamwork, communication and digital literacy
prepare your résumé, write job applications, and practise interviewing
understand your local labour market and entry-level employment opportunities

Boost Industry-Specific Knowledge and Skills:

identify your career path by learning about the duties, skills and requirements of roles in a variety of industries
experience workplace tours, employer talks and mock interviews specific to industry
specialist courses offer micro credentials to equip you to enter industries e.g. Responsible Service of Alcohol competency training

Each course is designed as a pathway to employment via an internship placement or work experience with a host employer.

Who is eligible to participate?

Eligible people are job seekers aged 15 years and over who are receiving income support and are registered with Workforce Australia Online, Workforce Australia Services with a Provider, Workforce Australia-Transition to Work (TtW) and Disability Employment Services (DES). You can:

enrol yourself in your local EST program via ‘Activities to support you into work’ in Workforce Australia Online
be referred to EST by your Workforce Australia provider

How does it work?

If you’re interested in participating in Employability Skills Training, simply ask your Employment Consultant to refer you to your local Jobfind EST provider.

your Employment Consultant will walk you through the steps and refer you to the program
if you have an existing activity in your job plan, you may have to wait until it is completed to start Employability Skills Training with Jobfind
before starting the program, our trainers and placement officers may assess your needs and interests in the local labour market
you can do both courses at our locations in Ballarat, Hunter and Perth North. We offer the industry-focussed course only in Sydney Greater West and Cairns regions.

Find us here

Jobfind offers Employability Skills Training to the following local areas in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia:

Hunter NSW
Sydney Greater West NSW
Cairns QLD
Ballarat VIC
Wimmera Mallee VIC
Perth North WA

Downloadable Resources

Find out more about the Employability Skills Training program.

Information for Ballarat, Hunter, Perth North, Cairns and Wimmera Mallee

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Information Sydney Greater West

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Enquire about Employability Skills Training

Get in touch to register or find out more about the Employability Skills Training program.

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