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Privacy Policy

Jobfind Centres Australia Pty Ltd
Privacy Policy


Jobfind Centres Australia (Jobfind) a division of the Angus Knight Group (the Group), is contracted to the Commonwealth to provide Workforce Australia Services, including Employability Skills Training, Career Transition Assistance, Transition to Work Services, as well as ParentsNext. In doing so Jobfind is bound by  the Privacy Act 1988, the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, the Australian Privacy Principles (APP’s), the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 and the Archives Act 1983 in respect to the management, collection, use, disclosure and disposal of personal information that we hold.

This Policy outlines the way in which Jobfind manages personal information, and all staff must manage your personal information, in accordance with this Policy.

This policy is also available as a hard copy across all our offices.


This Policy is applicable to all participants in contracted Employment Services delivered on behalf of the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

(for Employers and Host Organisations, please see the Employer and Host Organisation Privacy Statement)


Participant:  An individual participating in Employment Services.

Personal Information: Your personal information is information about you, including your name, date of birth, contact details, education, or employment history.

Sensitive Information: Sensitive information is a subset of ‘personal information’ and includes information and opinion on racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, criminal record, membership of professional or trade associations, and health information.

DEWR: Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, representative of the Australian Government, administering Employment Services.


Collection of personal information

The Privacy Act 1988 regulates the way an individual’s personal information is handled.

We at Jobfind are committed to protecting the privacy of an individual’s personal and/or sensitive information and are bound by the Australian Privacy Principles that underpin the Privacy Act 1988.

Personal information is collected in order to provide Workforce Australia Services on behalf of the Australian Government. These services include Transition to Work, Employability Skills Training, ParentsNext and Career Transition Assistance. We receive your personal information from Services Australia, through the DEWR’s IT systems, or we collect it from you directly. Jobfind provides all participants with a copy of the Workforce Australia Privacy Notification and Consent Form, issued by DEWR.

Jobfind will only obtain, record, disclose or otherwise use Protected Information as permitted under Division 3 [Confidentiality] of Part 5 of the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 (Cth).

For Participants in employment services:

The kind of personal information Jobfind collects from you includes:

  • name, address and contact details (e.g. phone, email and fax)
  • information about your identity (e.g. date of birth, country of birth, passport details, visa details, driver’s licence, birth certificates)
  • information about your personal circumstances (e.g. marital status, age, gender, occupation)
  • information about your background (e.g. educational qualifications, the languages you speak and your English proficiency)
  • government identifiers (e.g. Centrelink Reference Number, Job Seeker ID)
  • details of payments you receive from Services Australia
  • information about your employment (e.g. work history, referee comments, remuneration)
  • details of income you have reported to Services Australia while you are registered with us and
  • information about assistance provided to you under the NDIS.
  • Jobfind may collect or hold some sensitive information about you, with your consent, including your:
  • racial or ethnic origin
  • health (including information about medical history and any disability or injury you may have)
  • information about the supports or services you receive, including supports or services you receive or have received, and information about the people who provide those supports or services to you, and
  • any criminal record you may have.

You can withdraw your consent at any point, however, insufficient information may affect or limit the services we can offer you.


Jobfind also collects personal information when you register for you to receive email alerts or complete online inquiry forms via our website ( This personal information can include your name, address, email address, and job title/ position.

We use social networking services such as Facebook and Twitter to communicate with the public about our activities and may collect personal information when you communicate with us by using these social networking services and the social networking services will also handle their personal information for their own services. These social networking sites have their own privacy policies.

Use of personal information

Your personal information is used for the purposes of providing relevant services on behalf of the Australian Government and assisting you to meet your obligations under the Social Security Act 1999. The purposes for which Jobfind uses personal information include:

  • determining your eligibility for participation in supports and services to assist you to achieve your employment goals
  • providing you with employment and training opportunities
  • contacting and supporting you when you have found employment
  • matching you with the needs of the employer’s business and for the purpose of wage subsidies.
  • resolving complaints.

If you register on Jobfind’s website for email updates and news, we will use your personal information for purposes which include communicating with you about activities and services that may be of interest and that Jobfind may provide to you

Disclosure of personal information

Your personal information may be shared with other entities while you are participating in our programs as part of our service delivery and to assist you in meeting your mutual obligation requirements. We will only share information when it is needed to provide you with supports, and only the information which is relevant and necessary for the purpose for which it is being used. Wherever possible we will discuss with you prior to sharing information. Your personal information is not shared with entities operating outside Australia. Information may be shared with the following types of entities:

  • Registered Training Organisations
  • Activity Hosts
  • Employers
  • Community Agencies
  • Services Australia
  • Any other entities as needed to deliver contracted employment services.

We do not sell or otherwise make use of your personal information for any reason, other than providing our contracted services and assisting you to meet your mutual obligation requirements.

Your personal information may be disclosed to other parties where you have agreed, or it is required or authorised under an Australian law or a court/ tribunal order.

Jobfind does not disclose personal information to overseas recipients.

Storage and security

We undertake all reasonable steps necessary to protect personal information we hold from misuse, interference and loss, as well as unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

Jobfind’s Records Management Procedure outlines the way in which we store and dispose of personal information we hold. Our information is stored securely and only accessible by people who require it to deliver services to participants.  Jobfind provides regular training to employees regarding privacy and data security, and all employees sign an undertaking to observe privacy requirements when they commence employment with Jobfind.

To minimise the risk of data breaches, Jobfind maintains a Clear Desk Policy for computer, laptop and printer workstations.

All staff are required to ensure that:

  • Paperwork which contains personal information must be stored in a lockable drawer or filing cabinet.
  • All wastepaper which contains personal information is placed in designated confidential waste bins and shredded by an appropriate secure document disposal company.
  • Computer workstations and laptops are locked when the desk is unoccupied and completely shut down at the end of each work day.
  • Keys for accessing drawers or filing cabinets are stored securely to prevent unauthorised access
  • Computer passwords are not written down anywhere or shared between staff members.
  • Printers are not left unattended with personal information on them
  • Personal information is not recorded anywhere that could be visible to unauthorised persons.

Your personal information is stored on computer systems which are protected from unauthorised access and viruses by a combination of firewalls, secure logon processes, encryption, intrusion monitoring technologies and virus scanning tools. When we send your electronic data outside our IT systems, we use dedicated secure networks or encryption.

We have protection in our buildings and data centres against unauthorised access such as alarms, cameras and guards (as required).

All records are securely disposed of after minimum retention periods in accordance with the Records Management Procedure.

Accidental or unauthorised disclosure of personal information

Jobfind will take seriously and deal promptly with any accidental or unauthorised disclosure of personal information. Jobfind follows the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s (OAIC) Data breach notification — A guide to handling personal information security breaches when handling accidental or unauthorised disclosures of personal information. Legislative or administrative sanctions, including criminal sanctions, may apply to unauthorised disclosures of personal information. Jobfind has mandatory obligations to report what are called ‘eligible data breaches’ to both the OAIC and any individuals who may be potentially affected by a data breach.

Access and correction

Jobfind relies on the accuracy of the information that you provide. We take reasonable steps to ensure that all information which we collect, hold, use and disclose is accurate, complete and up to date.

It is encouraged that you promptly notify Jobfind if there are any changes to your personal information. You can do this by completing forms available from our local Jobfind centre.

You can request access to personal information Jobfind holds about you and can request that Jobfind corrects that personal information. You can make the request in person to the Jobfind site you regularly deal with, or email uGenerally, we will respond to these requests within 30 days.

Before giving you access to your records, we require you to prove your identity. Jobfind may ask you to verify your full name and date of birth.


If you wish to complain to Jobfind about how we have handled your personal information, you should forward a written complaint to us at:

Privacy Officer
Angus Knight
Suite 1, Level 2, 10 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone (02) 9259 5555

Jobfind will respond in writing within 30 days of receipt of a complaint.

If, as a participant, you have lodged a privacy complaint, or a request to access or correct your information and are not satisfied with our response, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) in writing to lodge a complaint. Visit for more information.


Jobfind abides by the following Commonwealth Acts:

  • Privacy Act 1988
  • Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012
  • Australian Privacy Principles
  • Freedom of Information Act 1982
  • Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 and
  • Archives Act 1983

Employer and Host Organisation Privacy Information Statement

This document contains important privacy information specifically for Employers and Host organisations working with Jobfind regarding the collection, use, storage access to and correction of personal information held by Jobfind for the purposes of delivering Workforce Australia Services on
behalf of the Australian Government.


Employers and Activity Host Organisations.

Collection of personal information

In order to provide activity and vacancy management services to Host organisations and Employers, we need to collect personal and business information. This may include, but is not limited to:
• Key contact Names
• Key Contact Phone numbers and business email address
• Bank details (only where financial transactions are required, e.g wage
subsidies or reimbursement of activity costs
• Business Address
• Vacancy related information
• Activity Related information, including
the details of activity supervisors
• Business ABN details

Collection of Sensitive information
We do not collect any sensitive information from Employers or Host Organisations.

Storage of your Personal information

Your personal information is stored electronically in our secure network, which is subject to the Australian Government’s IT Security requirements and is regularly assessed to minimise the risk of unauthorised access. Records we hold are destroyed securely after serving their minimum retention period of 3 years.

Disclosure (sharing) of your information

We may need to disclose your business details to Services Australia in relation to individuals you employ through our service, and internally to our staff when discussing your vacancy or activity. We do not disclose information to any other third parties and we do not sell your information. Our servers are based in Australia to ensure our records are protected from unauthorised access and

Rights and choices
You have the right at any time, to request access to records we hold relating to yourself or your business, and to request we correct any information we hold that is inaccurate. To request access to records, or if you have concerns with the way your personal information has been managed and wish to make a complaint you can contact Jobfind’s Privacy officer on:

Phone: 1800 113 233

Generally, requests for access to records will be actioned within 30 days from lodgement and there are no fees or charges involved in accessing your information.

* Version 07 Created 27 February 2024. This is an electronic document and users must ensure that any printed version is up to date.

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