This is Cherie.
Cherie had been a full-time stay at home mum for 18 years, had no work experience, never worked with computers and only had experience with fax machines! With support and her own fierce determination, Sharee was able to get back into the workforce and start a new chapter of her life.
Having been out of the workforce for nearly 2 decades, Cherie was eager to learn and understood that she would need complete and comprehensive training to build her skillset so she could excel in the workplace.
Before embarking on her job search, Cherie prepared a list of what she did and didn’t want to do based on her skills and interests. This would become a useful guide when looking and applying for suitable work. One of her most adamant requirements was to find a workplace that would provide the necessary training and support she would need to build confidence in her abilities.
Cherie first job was at a call centre, where she knew she could receive training and learn computer systems. She actually got the job over a more technically qualified applicant, because of her tenacity and willingness to learn the new skills quickly. Unfortunately due to an illness and as she was casual, she had to leave this job.
She then tried her luck at being a sandwich hand, but only lasted 2 days in the role. “I am a mum of 4 kids. After two days I realised that I didn’t want to cook and clean both at home and at work!”
Eventually, Cherie found work at an employment agency as a part-time receptionist where she began to learn and use Microsoft programs. During this time, she completed a night course to enhance her Microsoft skills helping her to excel in her role leading to full-time employment. With tenacity and a willingness to learn and take on challenges, she moved from Admin Support into becoming an employment consultant.
Cherie has worked for a number of agencies, continuing to improve her skillset and professionally development along the way. She is proud of her achievements which included guiding a team to a 5-star rating. As a Business Manager now, she helps guide other staff in their roles and works towards successfully engaging job seekers into employment and helping them to get settled into their new roles and receive training and support.
Cherie believes that the support and training she received has enabled her to pursue new roles and take on challenges. Her advice to fellow jobseekers?
“Take whatever courses and opportunities are available to you. Because you never know how this will benefit you, or where it can lead you to in your career.”