Celebrating International Women’s Day 2024, Jobfind highlights the achievement of two young Cairns women who have been supported by the Transition to Work Program.
Lara commenced with Jobfind’s Transition to Work Program nine months ago. At the time Lara was experiencing low motivation to achieve any goals. Through her initial engagement with her Jobfind Youth Mentor Daria Govorov, Lara explored different career pathways and found a pathway she would like to take. Lara enrolled to Certificate III in Child Care and with on-going Jobfind communication and support she is about to complete this certificate. Throughout her course, Daria supported Lara to find child care to support placement hours which subsequently lead to casual employment. Lara also had a goal to obtain drivers licence but was struggling to complete her preparation. Through Transition to Work support, the Jobfind team supported her to complete the driving course successfully.
Nine months later, Lara has made significant even further advancements since joining Jobfind’s Transition to Work Program. She has become a more independent young women with full time hours of employment in Child Care. She has also obtained her learner driver permit card and has started to work on her log book with Jobfind’s support. Lara is very proud of her achievement and is always thankful for all the support of Daria and Jobfind and for believing in her. Lara is now looking to continue her study through a Diploma in Child Care to progress to a more senior role in the child care industry.
Prior to entering Jobfind’s Transition to Work Program, Meghan Rose had been struggling to obtain employment due to transport issues and being new to the Cairns area. Throughout Jobfind’s Transition to Work program Megan explored different career pathways and tried different employment directions. After pursuing various avenues with her Jobfind Youth Mentor Daria Govorov, Megan expressed an enrolment into a Child Care Certificate III course. With weekly placement support, regular appointments and a lot of support Meghan has just completed her Certificate III successfully.
During the course Jobfind assisted Meghan to find and obtain placement hours in Child Care. Meghan tried her very best and was offered a casual position with a child care centre following 2 weeks of her placement. Meghan has decided to continue her studies and enroll in a Diploma in Child Care as Meghan would like to progress for a more senior position in the child care centre.
Jobfind also supported Meghan to change her South Australian Learner permit card to Queensland. Additional support for Meghan has been through driving lessons to address her current transport barriers and to help her to become more independent.