Jobfind Morwell recently invited GBS Recruitment for an employer engagement day. With multiple roles available, it provided the opportunity to match Jobfind clients with potentially suitable roles in a single day.
GBS Recruitment is a recruitment company based in Gippsland, specialising in placing candidates into various roles including manufacturing and office administration.
With over 25 clients attending the day, with referrals from Jobfind Traralgon and Jobfind Morwell, Nikea Lui from GBS Recruitment had a full room to present work placement opportunities. The day consisted of Nikea introducing GBS Recruitment, what specific roles were available and the processes that they have in place working with Jobfind clients.
Danielle LeCouteur, Jobfind’s Employment Consultant who organised the employer engagement day looks back on it very positively.
“Anything that makes the process from job seeker to employee easier and faster, I am all for. I love getting employers into our sites to meet not only our jobseekers but our staff as well. It gives our clients a first hand look at what an employer is looking for, what is required and if they are suitable. Also its great chance to talk directly with employers.”
One particular Jobfind client Joshua secured a role via GBS Recruitment. Josh was interested in a particular role through GBS at the timber mills in Heyfield. At the time, Josh was long term unemployed prior however very eager to find employment. He went for the interview, medical and then commenced. This employment opportunity has changed his life. Staff reported a huge smile visible on Josh’s face upon a recent Jobfind office visit. Josh has now exited the system and living independently.