In August we announced our new Youth Employment Consortium, which pledged to get 5,000 unemployed young people into jobs. In the last few months, Jobfind has been working hard in partnership with many high-profile employers, educators and not-for-profits who have also come together to join forces to defeat youth unemployment.
The facts on youth unemployment are concerning. If you are an Australian under 25, you are more than twice as likely to be unemployed. And being unemployed when you are young has serious consequences for long term wages, health, social exclusion and even for the next generation.
One of the recent outcomes delivering training, support, apprenticeships, and real job opportunities to young unemployed Australians, is the work we are doing through our community partnership with Ladder.
Due to current lockdowns, Jobfind and Ladder ran the Step Up Program online over five days. Our young job seekers participated in a range of activities including:
- Introduction and goal setting
- Routine and Career pathways
- Mental health and self-care
- Job search
- Resume and cover letters
- Job Interviews and mock interviews
How YEC Partnerships Provide Outcomes for Young Job Seekers
We are pleased to say that YEC is already producing promising results, and the partnership program is starting to shape the lives of the young job seekers we work with every day.
One of those young job seekers is Ben. He is a 19-year-old male that struggled to find a part-time job while studying at university.
Ben attended a Jobfind career advice session and recently completed the Step Up Program. Today he is working part-time in a warehouse.
Ben says that if he didn’t attend the program, he does not believe he would have gotten the job.
“I was enrolled into the Ladder program at Airport West Jobfind and would like to say that the course was very well run, the presenters were very kind, and overall, it was a very positive experience.”
“I received a lot of knowledge that I will use for my future and would recommend this short program to people who are having trouble finding a job.”
For more information about the Youth Employment Consortium, visit: